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Alumni Profile: Erin Murphy

Title: Ocean Plastics Science and Research Manager
Employer: Ocean Conservancy
Previous Roles: ORISE Fellow, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2016 - 2018)


Erin Murphy obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Integrative Biology in 2013 and a Master's Degree in Geology in 2015 from the University of Illinois. She later earned a Ph.D. from Arizona State University in 2023.


Erin currently serves as the ocean plastics research and science manager at Ocean Conservancy and the University of Toronto, and as an adjunct professor at Arizona State University. Her research focuses on the impacts of plastic pollution on marine species and exploring the social and ecological costs of plastic pollution interventions to better inform management strategies.


Erin's Integrative Biology degree provided the foundation for her understanding and research of land-based pollution in coastal ecosystems. The skills and knowledge she acquired during her time at the University of Illinois have been instrumental in her academic and professional pursuits.


Erin is keen to engage with current IB students through different platforms, including informational interviews, career discussions, and mentorship opportunities. She looks forward to offering her guidance and sharing her journey to help students in their academic and professional development.  Contact Christina Swanson at if you would like to connect with Erin.